Sunday, April 6, 2014

Session 2

Heroes: Fundin, Aerandil, Greyfox, Ragnarr.

YEAR 2946 - Spring 

The Heroes dive into the dark pool, resurfacing after a few yards into the lair of the marsh-dwellers. The place seems deserted, until they find the two missing dwarves barricaded in a wine cellar. They recount their ordeal, and also reveal that the foul creatures inhabiting these abandoned halls have made their lair on a veritable bed of gold.

Tempted by the opportunity, and willing to rid the swamp from these spawns of shadow, the Heroes fight the marsh-dwellers, but after killing a dozen or more, they're overwhelmed but their growing numbers, and forced to once again barricade themselves into the wine cellar.

After resting for a night, they stealthily make their way back to the pool, and then out into the swamp. Together with Balin and Oin, they travel back to the dwarves last encampment, where they had hidden the gift they were bringing to the King of the Eagles: hidden by a dwarven rune of secrecy, they retrieve the ivory box, and make their way back to Esgaroth.

Back home, they are welcomed by Gloin and the cheering people of Esgaroth, and receive the accolades of the noble dwarf, and a rich reward.

YEAR 2946 - Summer

spends the summer in the house of his father in Mirkwood, where he receives a mighty gift. Ragnarr searches the marches around Lake-town for rare herbs. Greyfox trains her dog in Rhosgobel. To clear his soul of shadows, Fundin puts his crafting skills at the service of the people of Esgaroth.

YEAR 2946 - Autumn

Rumours of a dark figure wandering around Dol Guldur prompts the Woodmen to keep a watch on the dread site. The Heroes, upon request of Greyfox, join the watch, and are guests of Radagast in Rhosgobel.

With winter approaching fast, the Woodmen asked the company to help them gather in some food on one of the many hunting expeditions setting out. At the edge of Mirkwood, they track several deers and a stag, finally spotting them in a clearing. The hunting party approaches silently, hoping to surprise their prey.

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